The Restored Retablo of Apalit Church

By John Andrew M. Ocampo

Most people would wonder would be the two bishops on either side of St. Peter which was placed in the principal larger niche. Some people thought it would be San Agustin and San Ambrosio due to the founding of the Augustinians of most Pampanga Churches.  The retablo is the most prominent structure of Philippine churches that were built during the Spanish era with statues of saints in its niches or frames. The retablo originally rises above the altar. 

The concrete-made retablo was a result of the retention of the wood retablo of the "pisamban" which was infested with termites and was about ready to collapse. When the parish priest Fr. Manuel Q. Baula discovered the situation in the early seventies, he thought it would be wise to tear it down before it can cause any damage. This would be the time new guidelines were set as a result of Vatican II. The good priest showed the design perspective of the proposed retablo, he further explained that modern retablos today were something like that, plain and simple. He said that the old practice of placing numerous icons in the retablo of which many of them are unknown was no longer in vogue. 

According to Vicente B. Catacutan, M.D. the family of the late and wealthy Don Jose Sioco of Barrio Sulipan was the biggest contributor to the present church built by the Spanish friar Antonio Redondo. To show his gratitude, Fr Redondo placed the icons of the patronal saints of Don Jose's three daughters: Maria Sioco (Maria Auxiliadora or Mary Help of Christians), Sabina Sioco (San Sabino de Canosa - eastern side of the retablo), and Florencia Sioco (San Florencio de Estrasburgo - western side of the retablo).

The historic retablo is a testament to how God’s blessing followed Don Jose Sioco's descendants with fame, fortune, prestige, and honor as a reward whose faithful to Him. 

Maria Sioco was the mother of Macario Arnedo-the first duly elected Governor of Pampanga in 1904. He became Governor of Pampanga for four consecutive terms, from 1904 to 1912.

Sabina Sioco was the mother of Jose Escaler-an attorney and became the first Assistant Director of Education and once became an Undersecretary of Justice.

And lastly, Florencia was the mother of Fausto Gonzales-Sioco-a lawyer and was elected Representative of the 2nd District of Pampanga in the Philippine Legislature.

After hearing the story of the descendants of the late Don Jose Sioco, Father Baula seemed to be in deep thought and must have a change of mind. He excitedly said, " It shall be rebuilt exactly as it is this retablo with a history. This time, instead of wood, it will be made of concrete." 

Catacutan, M.D., Vicente B. The Pisamban of Apung Iru A Pedagogical Church. ASCOM Alipan ning Guinu Community. 2012, pp. 42-47

Photo credits 📷 📸© to
John Andrew M. Ocampo
Fotografía SuánDalís


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